P-06-1242 Improve Endometriosis Healthcare in Wales - Correspondence from the petitioner, 28 January 2022

Good Afternoon,

Many thanks for your e-mail and I really appreciate the Petitions Committee taking the time to consider my petition on 7th February.

I have read the attached response from Eluned Morgan MS and this continues to inadequately address the issues that I’m raising.

My thoughts on the attached document are as follows:

  1. Accredited endometriosis specialists have recently been reduced from 3 to 2 for the whole of Wales (rather than being increased to 6 as the Government’s 2018 report recommended it should be to ensure Wales are offering the same standard of treatment as the rest of the UK). What are the timescales for increasing the number of endometriosis specialists?
  1. As there are currently no endometriosis specialists outside of Cardiff, what plans do the Welsh Government have to ensure equal access to endometriosis healthcare regardless of geographic location within Wales moving forwards? I’m aware that endometriosis nurses have recently been recruited to each of the 7 Health Boards which will of course ensure some degree of equity in terms of that support. However, with sufficiently skilled surgeons and multi-disciplinary teams inaccessible to most patients, how can the nurses alone support the number of patients affected and how can they make referrals if there are no specialist surgeons or centres to take them?
  1. With UHW currently having the only fully-accredited specialist centre for endometriosis in Wales, are there plans to develop similar facilities in other Health Boards and if so what are the timescales for this? And are there plans to take forward recent recommendations from a third sector coalition for a new NHS Executive who would have sufficient statutory powers to mandate all 7 Health Boards, ensuring they can work together in the best interests of patients (similar to the process with fertility treatment where funds follow the patient due to the involvement of WHSSC) and help end entrenched postcode lotteries in Wales?




I really need your help in ensuring the Welsh Government urgently act upon the recommendations and promises that have already been made, especially as the Senedd’s Health and Social Care Committee has made ‘Women’s Health’ one of its top priorities for this Senedd term.

Many thanks and best wishes,

Beth Hales

The committee may also find the following links and attached documents useful when considering the petition:

- Link to the Welsh Government Endometriosis Task and Finish Group Report 2018 - https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-03/endometriosis-care-in-wales-provision-care-pathway-workforce-planning-and-quality-and-outcome-measures.pdf;

- Link to the Senedd Cymru Member Debate on Endometriosis 14/10/2020 - https://record.senedd.wales/Motion/7304;

- Link regarding the recent recommendations for a new NHS Executive - https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/news/rcp-joins-more-20-organisations-call-independent-nhs-wales-executive

- Link to a Nation Cymru opinion piece which I wrote to provide some further information about endometriosis and the issues patients are currently faced with - https://nation.cymru/opinion/not-just-a-bad-period-why-its-past-time-we-improved-endometriosis-healthcare-in-wales/

- Correspondence to Jane Hutt MS in her capacity of minister for Social Justice;

- Correspondence to Jenny Rathbone MS who is supportive of the petition and who will be accepting a ‘hand-in’ of the petition outside the Senedd on Wednesday 2nd February at 1pm;

- Timeline of events over the last 4 years regarding the provision of endometriosis healthcare in Wales to provide background on the on-going issue;

- List of organisations who are supportive of the petition and the urgent call for action.